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ERP Strategy & Implementation

For many an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a technology project, this is where they start going wrong. We have learned with our experience in the industry that ERP is anything but a technology project, it is a change management exercise that should be guided by a sound business strategy, rollout, and life plan. ERP should not be a cost center activity, rather something which results in a positive impact on revenue or at least in increasing of profit and productivity.

An ERP at your organization should bring you the global best practices of your industry, proven by years of validation across different markets and challenges.

This is where we come in. We are not eager to sell you anything, we wish to work with you as a partner to enable you to make the right choice, implement it and then adopt it as your culture.

When many of the consultancies in market aim to be the largest or biggest implementer of an ERP solution, we aim to be the best. We strive to be the one with the highest number of successful implementations and highest number of customer satisfaction (read more: Why do ERP projects fail?). With some studies showing that over 70% of all ERP implementations will fail, we are aiming for 0% failure – and till now we have been able to achieve just that!

If you are looking for a solution for your organization, please talk to one of our qualified consultants to figure out how you can implement an ERP for your organization, how you can prepare your organization for it (read more: How to prepare your company for ERP implementation?). We will love to discuss your journey starting from Backoffice/ERP implementation to Business Intelligence (BI), Dashboards for management, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) in the complete mix.

Not technology, solutions!

Our locations

Lahore — 1st floor, C-31/10, Main Blvd, Lake City, Raiwind Road, Lahore, Pakistan

Karachi — Office No. 803, 8th Floor, Business Center, 19/1A Shahra e Faisal, Block 6 PECHS Karachi, Pakistan

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